Mission Offering October 2022

Sint voor Kint – Serve the City & Samen 010’

One in seven Children in Rotterdam grows up in a family below the ‘poverty line. This means that they most likely don’t get a present at the end of the year. The very successful action ‘Sint voor Kint’ of Serve the City and Samen 010, assures that children in those families get a gift voucher to buy them a present. The Sunday school of the SICR supports this project again, like the previous years.

Every Child deserves a present at the end of the year, at Sinterklaas or Christmas.

A fun day at the beach

Very simple, people wil make their own way, after the church service, to gather at Hoek van Holland for a social/fun time.

Bring your own picnic and hopefully games and music will be organized.

There is a list on the notice board in the lower hall if you can offer a car share.

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Prayer Matters Blog

Visit the Prayer Matters website to prompt and resource your personal prayer. It is compiled by Irene Bom, prayer promoter in the International Presbytery.

Messy Church

Heilige Huisjes – Space & Culture in Rotterdam Churches

Volunteers wanted!

Thirty-six Rotterdam Churches among which the SICR will host the Week of the Rotterdam Churches from 27 May till/incl. 4th June.

On Saturday 28th May (only) our Church will feature with a tour of the building, Mosaic wall, Organ Play, Story Telling and Hospitality.

For the latter we need two teams of volunteers sharing work between 10 am and 4 pm. Contact the SICR Office or Bob Hensen.

You can find more information on by clicking the document below


Or visit the website of Heilige Huisjes Rotterdam

Over precies 15 dagen vind de officiële opening plaats van Heilige Huisjes Rotterdam, met 9 dagen vol lezingen, muziek, tentoonstellingen, rondleidingen en openstellingen in de gebedshuizen van de stad.

We gaan deze periode aftrappen met een inspirerend programma in Citykerk het Steiger, je bent van harte welkom om de opening van dit bijzondere initiatief mee te komen vieren!

Naast de opening door wethouder Said Kasmi (Onderwijs, Cultuur en Toerisme) zijn er spoken-word optredens en presenteert Verhalenhuis Belvédère de nieuwe publicatie ‘Steigerverhalen’.

Nadat het programma om 16:15 is afgelopen is er nog tijd om elkaar te ontmoeten en na te praten onder het genot van een drankje. Ook is er nog een tentoonstelling over nieuw gebruik van kerkgebouwen te zien.

Datum: Vrijdag 27 mei
Aanvang: 15:30 (inloop vanaf 15:00)
Einde: 17:00
Locatie: Citykerk Het Steiger
Adres: Hang 18, Rotterdam
Kosten: Gratis

Meer informatie over het programma vind je via

Mission Offering May 2022

May Mission Offering will benefit the Nazareth Trust

May Mission Offering will benefit the Nazareth Trust, which is a British Charity, EMMS. ‘Healing in the name of Jesus since 861’

The Nazareth Hospital EMMS is one of the oldest hospitals in the Middle East and the largest in Nazareth. The hospital is run by the Nazareth Trust. It was founded as a Christian mission by Dr. Kaloost Vartan and the Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society in 1861. The hospital now houses 147 beds, employs over 500 staff, and receives over 50,000 visits annually.

Church of Scotland website

The Scots International Church Rotterdam is part of the Church of Scotland

The Stewardship Campaign 2022

For more information click on the link below


Meet & make collage


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